They’re Just Boobs
George just had to see the effects of the TG flu on his best friend, Michael.
The text George received from him an hour earlier simply read: “I’ve got THE FLU… bad.”
He rushed over to Michael’s apartment and knocked on the door. The door swung open, revealing a tall, sexy brunette sporting an oversized button up shirt and boxers.
“‘Sup, bro,” she said smiling.
George stood there gawking at the unknown sexy woman standing in the doorway.
“Hello? Hello,” Michael said, snapping her fingers in front of her friend’s face. “Snap out of it, ya perv! It’s me! I’m Michael.”
“Jesus,” George said, unable to look away from the average looking guy turned pin up model before him. “When you said you got it bad, you weren’t kidding!”
“I know,” Michael said moaning, walking into the apartment, unable to not make her curvy hips sway from side to side. “The whole change is pretty ridiculous.”
She grabbed a towel and began drying her hair.
“Just got out of the shower, hence my old ill fitting clothes. Can’t believe insurance doesn’t cover buying bras and stuff. I hate to admit it but I could really use the support,” she said grabbing more than a handful of her chest.
Michael began to dry herself off, unaware she was jiggling her large rack in the process. “Showering takes longer as a lady. I mean, look at me!”
“Uh huh,” George said staring into his best friend’s cleavage.
“This long thick hair is a huge pain,” she said grabbing another dry towel.
“Uh huh.”
“I had to wash it twice.”
“Uh huh.”
“I’m the queen of the bubblegum kingdom,” she said to test if he was really paying attention.
“Uh huh,” George said, lost in her looks.
“Oh my God,” Michael said rolling her eyes.
“What? What,” he said, darting his eyes away.
“Shit, George. You’re terrible, you know that? Let’s get this over with,” Michael said frustrated, throwing her towel down.
“They’re just boobs,” she said nonchalantly.
With one quick motion she undid the buttons on her shirt, revealing a large perky pair of gorgeous tits and took George’s hand.
“Here,” Michael sighed. She planted George’s hand on one of her big bare breasts. “One giant, squishy, naked boob for you to not only drool over but to grab, too. Get it out of your system, ok?”
“Damn, Michael! They’re real and amazing,” said George, grabbing a handful of squishy tit, kneading it.
“Heh. Yeah, I know. It’s not ALL bad,” Michael said taking some pride in her large assets.
“Oh shit,” Michael said. She pulled away, closed her shirt and immediately regretted her action.
“What… what’s wrong,” asked George, a little hurt. “I came on too strong, didn’t I? I’m such an ass. My best friend turns and all I can do is stare and grope…”
“No, no, no, George. It’s not that,“ she said quickly. “It’s… I… I really hope you got your TG flu shot, dude. I forgot that physical contact spreads the sickness like wildfire. If not, well, you’ll have your own pair to grab hold of real soon.”
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